One of my returning families has expanded! So much joy, excitement, and love surrounding this sweet bundle of joy. 

This family had never made an announcement online or posted photos of this new member of their family (that I had seen) so when they walked up with a baby I was like, wait a second...what?!!! I was so excited and surprised and just in awe, their baby is just the cutest with the prettiest blue eyes!

One thing the new parents communicated clearly to me was that they did not want photos of their baby online. Not on my Facebook page or website and I did not hesitate communicating that I would respect their wishes. Children's safety always comes first and if parents don't want their children's photos posted, I want to know! 

In my contract part of the agreement states that I will be posting their photos online (FB & website) and could possibly publish their photos. 


Let me make this very clear, if there is something you would want changed in your contract such as not having your photos posted or published anywhere with good reason..lets chat! 

I don't want people uncomfortable or MAD because they had to sign an agreement they didn't feel 100% good about. 

If you later change your mind about something in the contract such as your photos being posted or published, please communicate that to me so we can chat and decide what to do going forward. 

Some parts of my contract are hard limits. If one of my hard limits is not vibing with you then we of course can chat about that and see if we can come to an agreement that works for both of us. 

Communication is key in all aspects in life & I want to make sure clients and I are on the same page so they feel great about their photos and I do the best job that I can!