As a parent I will always advocate on how important it is to get in front of the camera. With your kids, without. Your child(ren) will look back at the memories and ask you about them. They will cherish the memories those photos leave behind. So of course I was excited when Micheal booked a session for him & his sweet kiddos.

Their session was short and sweet. They glided from pose to pose and prompts with no fuss but with big smiles across their faces. You can tell they are truly his biggest fans and he theirs.

It's sessions like this one where a parent tells me, I just want a few nice updated photos of me and the kids that I really try to give them plenty of options to choose from. And when the kids (and dad!) all cooperate because they all want these photos it makes my job easy and so fun!

Cheers to parents who cherish the memories with photographs and get in the photos with their kiddos. If you are someone who would like to be in more photos with your kiddos, I'd love to help! Shoot me a message and lets chat!