The days seem to go by more quickly once time change happens in the fall. I am so ready for summer already, anybody else?!

This year I didn't make any New Years Resolutions. "New Year, New Me" just doesn't hit the spot this year. Instead I set some goals for my health, business, and as a mom. Bettering my life one day at a time because Rome wasn't built in a day dontcha know.

So heres a few goals I set for myself...

-Move my body more!

I've been working on this one already leading up to the New Year. I bought an apple watch last February and I'm just now using it to benefit from the tracking of movements and steps. I challenge myself daily and if at the end of the day I still haven't met my daily goal then the kids and I do random dance party till the goal is reached. So even though this ones not technically a new goal, it's still a goal to continue moving my body every day.

-Shoot MORE!

My cameras spend a lot of time in my camera bag. I tried doing the 365 challenge a few years back which was great but I don't think I even made it a whole month before quitting. With this goal I want to be more creative on a regular basis. I'd say daily but I know me and know I wouldn't be able to make that work right now.

-Do more activities with my kiddos

I spend a lot of time with my kids but we don't do many activities together because of my busy work schedules. So this goal is to be more intentional with how I spend my time with my kids in doing activities.

There's a lot more floating up in my head goal wise but these three are the main ones for 2023. I know there will be change. I know this year will not be an easy one. But I have faith it's gonna be the best one yet! Cheers to goals, new years resolutions, and change!

Happy New Year Beautiful Souls!