My kids are the hardest to photograph. 

They are the classic, "Photog Kids" who easily gets burnt out from doing photos all the time. Whether it be posed or just a quick candid, they dont  always enjoy it. Ty, my oldest has made it be known that he doesn't always enjoy having his photo taken. He also has made it be known that he prefers his mama take his photo then another photographer (he hates school picture day). 

So I tried something different  this past summer and that was involving the kids more in the planning process and letting them lead their session. I generally let kids lead the session with my guidance but when it comes to my own kids I just want the PERFECT photo. And I know how to get that PERFECT photo that I have visioned but my kids will just about every time make it their mission to avoid doing that perfect photo. 

They helped choose location, plan their outfits, and had an absolute  blast during their actual session with mom. 

Having nice photos of my kids is why I bought my first "fancy" camera. Sometimes I have to remind myself to slow down and capture little moments like these where they interact and work together. These are my "picture perfect" photos of my kiddos! They reflect their personalities and I just love that!