When I was a little girl we had this very old wooden box organ that we would plug in to play music. There was classic hymnals like Amazing Graze, classic Christmas theme like Silent Night & Oh Little Town of Bethlehem, and many other sheets of music. The Christmas ones were my favorite to play no matter what time of year it was. I would sit at the organ and play while singing my little heart out. I can still smell the old papers and hear the humming of the organ. I of course was not half as good as my mother was though. She would sit and play and her fingers would glide across the keyboard and buttons as she would sing the most beautiful songs. Sweet childhood memories.

This Christmas my children will remember mom being sick, the house being a disaster and a very long car ride with their dad(s) on Christmas day. I have the worst full body cough right now that isn't exactly an ER worthy trip but is not exactly ignorable. My oldest who hadn't seen his dad since July was OVERDUE for a trip. We set it up to where once the kids opened up their presents that we'd all hit the road to meet halfway. The problem was that I was physically incapable of driving for 4 hours. So dad #2 stepped in and volunteered. By the time it came for them to leave I was in and out of sleep so he end up taking all three kids with him.

Vision this....Wrenlee and Tucker in matching pajama's, hers being accessorized with a tutu and plastic high heals that she had just gotten that morning and his with Mickey Mouse slippers. Cute right?! Add several bathroom breaks which just a quick reminder, pretty much EVERYTHING is closed Christmas day. So bathrooms were far and in between on their trip to Bloomington and back and their dad wasn't exactly having a good time when I checked in on them a couple different times.

But if you ask my kids how their Christmas was they would tell you about opening all their presents and how Santa once again brought them all underwear and socks. How they loved their gifts and taking a fun road trip with dad so mom could rest. None of them (except maybe Ty) would complain about their day not being perfect.

I have a few but not many photos from celebrating Christmas this year with my babies. I'm still not feeling good and have a cough that about knocks me on my butt every time. But I am thankful for my coparents stepping up, my mama for bringing me dinner last night, and my sweet babies who let their little lights shine. God is so good!

...and there were shepherds in the same country abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the LORD came upon them, and the GLORY of the LORD shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.

And the ANGEL said unto them, FREAR NOT: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a SAVIOUR, which is CHRIST the LORD.

Luke 2:8

I pray that you all had wonderful Christmas with your loved ones. That you are happy & healthy as we are nearing another new year!