It's wedding week for Will & Chasity!! 

As their wedding quickly approaches I can't help but feel excited for these two. I've known Chasity  since we were kids. We went to school together, played softball together and hung out with the same people. She is one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet with the biggest heart. I don't  know much about Will but I do know that when I hung out with these two at their engagement session he beamed at her. Ya know, the sweet guy beams when the fella is looking at his girl and you can see how much he loves and cares for her, how proud he is to be her man? Ya, beam! 

The way they moved together and interacted was so in sync and smooth. I probably said, "awwww" one too many times but I could not help it! These two are so in love  and I love LOVE!

When planning their engagement session Chasity  only had one request and that was to use this old bridge. It has a unique charming look that a lot of locals like to use for photos. It was once one of my go to locations but as time passes by time and recklessness has not been kind to the bridge. People have spray painted all over, the rails are missing, people trash's an all around unsafe location. None the less  we started their session on the bridge using extra precautions  and wariness. 

Our next stop was Ramey State Park. This location has dreamy views, I love it! We started at the top of the hill and wrapped up their session down on the dock. When sessions with clients feel like you're just third wheeling it with your friends it makes my heart so happy! I am so happy for Will & Chasity and cant wait to capture their special day for them this weekend!! Send them all the love, prayers and good vibes as they begin this exciting new chapter of their lives together!

See you two at the church (;